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Cindy Hudson has been called the “healer of hidden women.” For almost two decades she has been inspiring and coaching women to love and trust themselves, find their voice and bring their gifts and divine purpose into the world. 


Cindy teaches you to find the unique tools that work for you and your divine purpose.  When you know what you are here to do, you must hone the tools you will need as you evolve and transform, especially right now.  Knowing the best way to navigate feelings, how to make choices and how to show up in your full power are critical for the times we are living through.  Being equipped makes all the difference.  


Cindy believes women are critical to the healing that must take place in this world in order for things to change. For this to happen women must embrace their value and worth, learn to trust themselves and dare to step into their calling. When women are contributing their unique and powerful gifts in confidence, miracles happen. We have a major role to play in healing the brokenness we see around us and as more and more women fully accept themselves and their purpose we bring light into the darkness and free others to do the same.


Cindy supports transformation through workshops, speaking, private coaching, soul readings and retreats.  



Every woman struggles on some level to believe she is worthwhile and valuable.  We all wrestle with the deep desire to BE more confident, seen, heard and respected for who we are not just what we do or what we look like.  It takes a willingness to go inside, heal the wounds, let go of the trauma and discover who you really are.  Only then can you embrace yourself.

Women are incredibly clever, smart and creative. We are great at helping everyone we love by pouring ourselves out for everything we care about.  We are gifted in nurturing and supporting.  We love connection, communication and belonging.  We give because we want to  but we often question ourselves and wonder why we don't feel as good as those we serve. 

Being willing to dive deep and free yourself from the hurts and patterns that hold you is vital for you to be whole.  Saying no, setting a boundary, speaking up or asking for help can be terrifying.  It is vital to master each of these in order to be whole, fulfilled and contribute your gifts to the world. Believing  you are here for a reason and have something sacred to offer is a mindset shift we all must master.  When you are willing to consider this and support it with the leap of faith that you are worthy, you open the door to discovering yourself in a whole new way.   

You are much more than what you have been through. 

You are much more that what you look like. 

You are much more than what you can do.

The bravest thing you may ever do is choose to believe in yourself.  It's a life changer.  Honoring yourself by clearing your blocks and fears equips you to bring your essence and magic into the world. You have a lot to BE in this life and that can be the scariest thing of all.  It means stepping outside your comfort zone to be all you are meant to BE.

Daring to connect to your value and worth awakens parts of you that have been unable to operate fully in the shadows.  Bravely plugging in to your heart and soul gives you access to much wisdom, power and divine guidance when they come into the light.


Women are equipped with an amazing inner guidance system. We know things and have an amazing ability

to read situations and people clearly.  Your intuition picks

up on things and give you real-time clues in tough situations, difficult relationships and daily decisions. Once you choose to trust it and move away from the need to prove your worth, you are free to let yourself create, play, feel and set your brilliance free, which is needed not just for you but for all those you touch.

Being your powerful self is essential to moving forward in life as well as managing all the things you are responsible for. You have something unique and sacred calling you higher.  That's why it's so important to get unstuck, connected and tuned into your purpose and how best to step into it more deeply.  

You may feel a calling or longing for more but are unclear what to do with that, especially if it means moving outside your comfort zone -  which growth always does.

If you find yourself on the verge of something big but don't know what that means, dare to be open, listen and investigate it.  Women are on the front lines of global change and you most likely have something powerful to contribute.  No matter what your purpose is, we all need you to embrace it!  


If you are ready to step out of the shadows into your power and break through the blocks,  I invite you to sign up for a FREE TAKE MY POWER BACK session where you and I will look at the places you're stuck and challenged and see how best to move past them.  I look forward to creating greatness together as you move more fully into the beautiful essence of who you are!   


About Cindy
Be Brave
Be Powerful

It is so important to be fully living and expressing your whole self.  Dealing with life challenges and living out your sacred gifts fully requires all of you.  Your main purpose here is to create.  You create constantly by your choices and what you believe in your heart.  If you believe you are powerful you will be.  If you believe you are valuable everything you create is based on that. It's your responsibility to find out what you are to create and line up with it. That's following your purpose.




The things that come naturally to you can be clues to your purpose.  You may be a great communicator, an amazing organizer, full of creativity, love to help others, have a 

green thumb, great at problem-solving,  an effective mediator, bring healing into situations, make people laugh, help others lighten up and play, a natural teacher or leader, encourager, motivater, stand up for what's right, have great ideas, love to start new things, easily come up with creative solutions, an adventurer, a risk-taker and much more.  Whatever you find yourself doing easily that brings you joy is a big clue to who you are and what you can contribute.   


Living from your essence can be challenging but so much more rewarding than hiding.  

It takes courage to be powerful, to accept and trust yourself,  but living any other way is draining, exhausting and unfulfilling.  While life is always going to be challenging, living from a place of confidence, tapped into your own heart and divine wisdom changes each challenge into a life lesson with a purpose. 

Are you ready to go deeper? 

Discover the true story of YOU...

Who you came here to be is personal, private and sacred. The connection to your heart and soul isn’t something to be measured,

analyzed or graphed out. It’s to be honored and nurtured. The sacred space in you is not for others to dictate or monitor. They can encourage and

inspire but that connection is powerfully yours. No one else’s.  It is the place that holds the secrets of who you are, what you are here for and how to bring it into existence.  

When you love and trust yourself and are connected to your divine guidance system you have the power to let stuff go, embrace difficulty, extend grace, forgive, accept, receive, give without attachment, hold space, see with new eyes and live from compassion and empathy.   I know that's alot and it's possible. From there you can remove obstacles, stand up no matter what, inspire others and allow the energy of love and truth to run through and out of you.  This is your purpose.  To be open and free to bring your gifts, insights and divine contribution to the world.   

If you are ready to fully embrace yourself and your reason for being here you must live in the power of your own truth.  I invite you to sign

up for a FREE TAKE MY POWER BACK session where we will look at getting unstuck and being fully you. 

Discover the true story of YOU and what's

holding you back from stepping into it.

All of us know on a deep level that we are here for a purpose or at least we hope so!  Even if you aren't sure what your purpose is, you are always searching and longing somewhere inside to figure it out.  Purpose is what gives your life meaning.  Your contribution to the whole is ultimately what you came here to do and the road to finding your purpose begins with finding yourself.  Your natural talents, gifts, passions and desires all give you clues to who you are and what your contribution can be.

Much of the angst you feel in life could be your soul reminding you that there's a much bigger picture than

you realize.  This dis-ease creates conflict and a longing to experience much more in life.  More joy, fulfillment, abundance and connection all leading you to find and embrace your purpose.  But it’s very common to have

no specific idea what you want much less how to get there.  So much of this hinges on your inner dialogue and stories that constantly chatter away in your head. Discovering your sacred purpose and divine contribution can be confusing and frustrating when you don't know which inner story to believe... the story that says, "there’s no way” or the one that says “maybe it’s possible”.  Most likely at the root of each "more" you are longing for, is an outdated, limiting story holding you back. But… you have the power to change it!

The Tree of Me Discovery Process is all about shining the light on the hidden stories that are running and creating blind spots and limits in your life.  The I can’ts.  You gotta know what these are to change them. Once you see the devastation these stories hold over you, you can start rewriting them to match where you want to go and stop defeating you.  Changing your stories changes your perspective, your paradigm and your life experience, setting you free to discover and step into why you're here.  

Thank you! I will contact you soon!

You are a powerful woman with a calling to BE more.  CH coaching is devoted to supporting women to bravely forgive, love and accept every part of themselves with grace and compassion and step into their divine calling in confidence and humility.   


The key to your power and freedom is YOU.  You are truly the only one who can deeply allow change and transformation to take root in you.  Having coached for a decade I've witnessed clients blossom and tranform after years of struggle with self worth and shame. This deep work brings freedom and strength to step into what your higher self is calling you to BE.  It is essential to equip yourself with the tools that fit you perfectly so you can be all you are meant to be.  

Be You
Tree of Me


Thank you! I will contact you soon!

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